Credit Control
Here you’ll find the most cost effective and convenient methods to pay for our services.
Your account will automatically fall into the debt management cycle if you fail to pay your account promptly and on time. Once this happens, a Warning Letter will be delivered to your physical address and you will be charged a warning fee. You will then be allowed seven days from the date of that letter to come in and settle your account. If you fail to settle the bill within the seven-day period, your water supply will be restricted or disconnected with disconnection fee charges and without further warning. Your water supply will only be reconnected 24-hours after payment has been received. All payments for disconnected meters are to be made directly at our offices or via EFT where proof of payment should be sent to the credit control office for connections. Only cash and credit cards will be considered for these payments. Cheques will not be accepted.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or you are struggling to pay your water bill please come to one of our Customer Care Offices and speak to our Credit Control Department who will try to assist you with a payment plan to settle your account. Do not leave your account unpaid, as it may lead to restriction or disconnection of supply and your account being handed over to a credit bureau.