Infrastructure Management
Here you’ll find a description of our supplier selection process and Silulumanzi infrastructure projects.
Prior to 2014 there were no guidelines, other than standardised guidelines for Human Settlement planning and Design, that could assist developers and their consultants during the development process. These standardised guidelines do not address aspects unique to local conditions, such as the Mbombela Spatial Development Framework, Silulumanzi’s Concession Area, Silulumanzi’s master planning of bulk services, three-party services agreements, bulk services contributions and local standards, preferences and norms.
To address this void Silulumanzi decided to compile a guideline document that will assist developers, their consultants and contractors during the development process from a water supply and sanitation services perspective. Silulumanzi’s intention is to provide guidelines that will:
Provide guidance during the development process
Provide information on approvals required
Set minimum acceptable standards
Ensure quality of infrastructure
Support local economic development
Enforce Silulumanzi’s preferences
Standardize construction materials
Copy of the ‘Guidelines for planning, design and construction of water and sanitation services in the concession area of the City of Mbombela Local Municiplaity’ as well as respective standard drawings can be obtained by emailing a formal request to
A shared folder will be made available to the applicant for a limited time period, to able the applicant to download the respective data required.
Capital Expenditure Budgets for Concession area
Each year a budget is created for the concession area which is internally funded by Silulumanzi through the tariffs. This entails replacements or renewal of damaged or old infrastructure, refurbishment of Assets to improve service level and operations & maintenance of existing water and sewage services.
Funding through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) is made available by the City of Mbombela for new infrastructure in the previously disadvantages Townships, while Bulk Services Contributions are utilised, paid for by Township Developers, to upgrade the existing bulk system in order to extend coverage areas or maintain service levels.
The budget is divided into the “water supply” areas of service namely: Mbombela City, Karino, Nsikazi South and Matsulu.
Projects are created for these area and are project managed by our Project Engineers and Town Managers.