Health & Safety Standards
How we strengthen our health and safety programmes through manager - worker relationships.
Silulumanzi maintains a joint management-worker health and safety committee throughout its operations in order to strengthen its health and safety programmes.
The committees meet on a monthly basis and discuss pertinent occupational health and safety issues, report any incidents and deviations and identify actions for further investigation, as may be needed. The organisation collects analyses and assesses key statistics relating to occupational diseases, rates of injuries, lost days and absenteeism, amongst others.
Silulumanzi’s health and safety representatives have significant knowledge and expertise and are actively involved in health and safety in the workplace.
Occupational Health and Safety Act
The occupational health programmes, which are aligned to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and standards, assist employees in the following areas:
Provision of health education.
Provision of guidance and counselling.
Management of employee assistance programme.
Primary health care including minor ailments treatment and referrals where necessary.
Workplace observation and intervention if circumstances become hazardous to health.
Medical Surveillance Programmes are conducted annually to screen employees exposed to hazardous environments and ultimately ensuring a safe workforce.